
Learn from the professionals about all things light and art-tech.



  • TouchDesigner
    • Intro to TouchDesigner – Coming Soon!
    • RayTK: RayMarching Advanced – Coming Soon!
  • PixelMapping
    • Addressable LEDs – Coming Soon!
    • PixelMapping with TD – Coming Soon!
  • ProjectionMapping – TBD…
    • Intro to ProjectionMapping
    • Fast Mapping with TD
    • Resolume? Maybe…
    • Dome Mapping? Why not…
  • In the Future…
    • Unreal Engine
    • Electronics and MicroControllers
    • GrandMA / TD Integration
    • OpenCV
    • Disguise Media Servers
    • Blender 3D
    • Tracking (Kinect, Lidar, Vive, etc)
    • Laser Control with TD
    • LED Wearables
    • 3D Printing / Fabrication
    • Max/MSP
    • TDAbleton Integration

Past WorkShops

  • Saturday, June 29th, 2024 – Jenn, Pete – 3D Pixel Array @ LightHouse Los Angeles

  • Saturday, May 11th, 2024 – Jenn, Pete – 3D Pixel Array @ RoboHub Boston

  • Monday, Mar 18th, 2024 – Jenn Deafenbaugh – Dome Content Development

  • Sunday, Feb 25th, 2024 – Students Group Exhibition – Diffusion: Explorations in LED Pixel Art

  • Saturday, Feb 10th, 2024 – Justin, Pete, Jenn – LED Pixel Art

  • Sunday, Mar 12th, 2023 – Tommy Etkin – Volumetrics with RayTK